Higher Ground Family Funerals.
Higher Ground Family Funerals
Guide to prices
Our services in connection with undertaking a funeral £965.00
This includes removal, care in our modern and secure premises and associated travel within a 50 mile radius. Our help and guidance and attendance at the funeral.
Cardboard coffins from £265.00
Willow from £525.00 (imported) Somerset grown and hand crafted from £695.00
Bamboo from £404
Our simple shroud £125.00
The purchase of burial rights to a grave from £770.00 -
Contribution to Higher Ground Meadow Trust £30.00
Grave preparation and completion £425.00
Hire of our service barn £150.00
A minister or celebrant to conduct the service/celebration guide £210.00 -
Bearers for burial £40.00 each only needed if family or friends are not able to carry out moving the coffin.
Other items may include service sheets, flowers and a name plaque for the grave.
If cremation is required, we use Yeovil £536.00 for a non attended booking.
Doctors fees required for cremation £164.00 (during covid reduced to £82.00)
We will always give a current estimate for a funeral at the time of need. We do our very best to ensure that each family gets a fitting farewell for their loved one. If possible we try to hold just one funeral per day so ensuring there is no rush or overlap of mourners.
“Here, a beautiful funeral needn’t cost the earth”